Customer support for tenants, owners & property managers
At Pioneer Energy Management, we’re dedicated to providing excellent customer service to tenants, owners and property managers. Check out our Frequently Asked Questions below to see if you can find the information you are looking for. If you cannot find it, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly through phone or email.

For Tenants & Owners
Pioneer Energy Management is a full-service energy management company that provides services for property developers, managers, and residents including installing and maintaining equipment, reading meters, issuing bills, and collecting payment, and customer support for tenants & owners.
Usage is calculated with a meter read system. The sensors track the consumption as it is being used. Your usage data is based on actual reads (when applicable) instead of averages or estimations each month.
On your bill, your total usage is the difference between the Prior Read Number and the Current Read Number.
Electric usage is always in kilowatt hours (kWh) and water usage is either in Gallons or Cubic Feet.
All metered services are billed from your actual usage and charged at public rates, per Public Utility Commission of Ohio rules and regulations. In some cases, tenants may be charged a flat water/sewer rate each month if individual water meters are unable to be installed at the current time. It is based on the total community usage.
On your bill, each line that includes a Meter Number and an Actual Usage number refers to each different utility that you consume that we provide billing services for. For example, electric and water.
For your convenience, we combine them into one bill for ease of payment.
Start by creating an online account here. Within your online account, you can sign up for automatic payments via Electronic Bank Transfer (ACH), or Credit Card.
If setting up an automatic payment after the 8th day of the month, the payment will not pull for the current month, and a second one-time payment must be made for the current month. Your autopay will begin the following month if setting up after the 8th.
Please note that if you sign up for auto-pay your payment will automatically withdraw from your account 2 days before the stated due date.
A $1.75 processing fee will be incurred for ACH Electronic Bank Transfer payments made by bank account and routing number.
Payments made by credit or debit cards will incur a 3.75% processing fee (with a $2.00 minimum processing fee) per transaction.
No, Pioneer Energy Management has no affiliation with DOXO. We do not recommend that our customers use DOXO’s services to pay their utility bills. This could result in late fees or disconnection notices as DOXO does not notify Pioneer of any payments made, and Pioneer does not receive your payment from DOXO until weeks after the due date.
A $1.25 fee will be included per printed bill. This charge solely covers the cost of mailing your bill. If you are interested in receiving paperless bills, log in to your online account, where you can elect to stop receiving paper bills in the mail, and only receive bill notifications via email.
Check out our Power Outage page to see if your property has already been reported or you may fill out a form to report our property.
Pioneer Energy Management may charge a return fee of $75.00 if your payment has been returned unpaid by your financial institution. A return fee can be charged for the following reasons but is not limited to: insufficient funds, closed account, disputed payment, account frozen, stop payment, unauthorized payment, unable to locate account, and non-transaction
Any account that has a returned payment is required to repay the balance via certified funds. Accounts with 3 returned payments will be required to pay via certified funds to ensure payment for the next 6 months.
A customer may dispute the return payment fee by providing a letter from their financial institution stating funds were available at the time the payment was made or by providing bank statement(s) to verify funds were available.
If we do not receive a payment for your full balance by the due date listed on your bill, a fee of 15% of any past due balance may be charged to you account.
For Property Managers
You have two options to report a tenant moving out.
1) If you use our Community Manager Portal, you can process move-ins and move-out with the click of a button.
2) If you do not use our community manager portal, you should use our Property Manager Move Out Request Form to submit your move-out(s) for your property. You can either submit a single move-out by filling out the form, or you can submit batch move-outs by uploading an Excel spreadsheet file. Our Customer Support Team will receive your submission and process your move-out promptly for you.
You have two options to report a tenant moving out.
1) If you use our Community Manager Portal, you can process move-ins and move-out with the click of a button.
2) If you do not use our community manager portal, you should use our Property Manager Move-In Request Form to submit your move-in(s) for your property. You can either submit a single move-in by filling out the form, or you can submit batch move-ins by uploading an Excel spreadsheet file. Our Customer Support Team will receive your submission and process your move-in promptly for you.
As a property manager, you will receive monthly reimbursement reports that show the summary of money collected from tenants to pay for water and/or electric at your property. In the reimbursement report, you will see information like “Summary by Date,” “Summary by Billing Type” and “Summary by Payment Type,” referring to check, e-check, online payment, etc. Please contact our Operations Manager at 614.442.7100 and she can walk you through your reimbursement report, answering any questions you may have.
If you notice a street light that needs to be repaired or if you have another service-related request please email to submit a request for repair
Contact us for help
Questions On Your Bill?
If you’re a tenant and you have questions about your bill and need assistance:
Request A Quote
If you’re a property owner or manager and are ready for a partner that can manage your electric and water allocation for you:
By Phone
Customer Support Specialists are standing by Monday – Thursday from 8 AM – 6 PM and Friday 8 AM – 4:30 PM.
Call or text: 614.442.7100
Toll-free: 844.894.8961
Contact After Hours
Report an Outage After Hours: Click here to fill out the form or call us at 614.412.9655
Send a Message
Send us an email and a specialist will reply to you within one business day.
Online Resident Portal Links
Fri: 8am-12pm & 1-4:30pm
*Our office closes daily from 12pm-1pm
Holiday Office Hours
Thanksgiving: Closed
Black Friday: Closed
REMIT PAYMENTS TO:Pioneer Energy Management
PO Box 2640
Westerville, OH 43086